A Response to lies in ?Nuclear Radiation is forever? ? The problem with Lutec? ... The persons in question are not alive and can't refute what Browne claims, and although the remote possibility of their estate suing may exist, that seems to be unlikely since there's really no way to prove anything one way or another. I do feel rather bad for the poor woman reporter who had to maintain a straight face and pretend to take this all seriously. I can't imagine what she was ...
Because there's a conspiracy to stop free energy from being used because The Government/FBI/CIA/Big Oil/Big Power don't want us to know about it! If you really want to be in on the Lutec phenomenon, though King W, well, go for it! ... comes to actually delivering free energy. To anyone. Anywhere. Selling it, maybe. Delivering it, not so much. (And I just bet that some sucker is paying for Mr McCarthy to fly first class to Qatar and get put up in a very expensive hotel?) ...
eilen 11h duunia, tein yhden bussiopaskeikan omien hommieni lisäksi koska siihen ei löytynyt ketään muita, tänään pitäisi heittää 14h mutta nyt vittu riitti. tältä joulupäivältä ei makseta normaalia kovempaa palkkaa, ja henkiset sekä ...